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Gulfport and Biloxi Employers: Improve Your Ability to Conduct Job Interviews

As you look to hire for your business, don't take the all-important job interview process for granted. It can be an extremely valuable process as you look to find the best people to grow your business. When the candidate is applying for jobs in Gulfport, here are some things you should avoid in the interview, courtesy of CBS Money Watch:

1. Don’t talk too much: remember, it's not about you! The primary focus of the interview is on the candidate. Talking too much, especially about yourself, will result in little useable information being gathered from the limited interview time frame.

2. Don't let the first impression sway you too much. First impressions don’t necessarily make or break the candidate, so pay attention to their performance for the rest of the interview.

3. Don’t conduct short interviews: Interviews take up time. Multiple interviews in a single day can take up a lot of time. Brief interviews are more convenient, but it’s hard to make a sound judgment on a candidate when you didn’t get much time to assess him. The ideal time frame for an interview should be 45 minutes to an hour.

4. Don’t rate candidates against each other: Comparing candidates’ strengths and weaknesses against each other is tempting, but counter-productive. Grade each candidate on established criteria; not against each other.

By Kyle Wise

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