We have used BetterGulfCoastJobs for years and it continues to provide the best local candidates. - Tony

Job Details

(Work from home) - Insurance Sales

  2024-12-10     American Income     all cities,AK  

Must be a California resident. This is the #1 Remote Sales Job on the Internet for recruiters to recruit for. You can take that to the bank. You will have to earn as a 1099 independent contractor. If you can't understand the scalability of this offer, you wouldn't be a good fit here. How much revenue do you think you've brought in over your career? Wouldn't you prefer that all that revenue would have gone to you? This is your chance to get even. If you are an expert recruiter this is your chance to truly prove yourself. If you're as good as your profile says you are, scaling a sales team for the #1 Remote Sales Job on the Internet should be a walk in the park for you. This isn't a posting it's a genuine old fashioned challenge. We made 20 millionaires last year and paid out over 100 million dollars to our agents and management contracts. Here's the catch, before you can do your magic, you must be willing to obtain a life insurance license so you can activate a management contract here. You should be able to do that in less than two weeks. You must be able to scale a sales team of 1099 sales superstars and you will be paid out of that. I'm doing 20+ new hires a month by myself, we need experts that can do 50+ a month on their own. We will then train your recruits and nurture them into being valuable high income earning professionals in the financial sector. And you will then earn some of what they earn in perpetuity. You must be able to hire enough income accelerators that you take home high seven figures within two years. You will earn a cut of your sales teams commissions, bonuses and royalties every Friday.

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